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  题目:英语作文 假设你叫李华,参加学校组织的“健康成长”英语作文比赛,主要内容包括努力学习、良好态度、加强体育锻炼云云……括号里是主要是评论。

   1.good good study,day day up.(几千几百的都有,真不知道是不是老师就这么教的)


    3.I will xuexi.(用拼音的还不在少数!)


    5.I study culture in school.(果然是我学文化。)

    6.Hahaha……I’m LiHua.(有什么好笑的……)

    7.作文最后一句结尾是:Thank you for your listening.(这是作文,不是口语……)

    8.good good study,day day up后面跟着写了一串:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.(我也给的零分,凑字也没有拿字母表凑的,太不敬业了)

    9.Si Chuan jiayou go go go!!!(孩子,我知道你是好心……)

    10.I love Bie Jing.(想写北京,看来拼音也不好)

    11.有个学生作文结尾为了抒情,用了一句:My heart will go on.(……亏他想得出来)

    12.Today I am LiHua.(很诚实,告诉大家他只在今天叫李华。)

    13.nuli study(……理解,我理解)

    14.作文结尾:Come on!Come on!Bye Bye!(……终于高考了,太激动了……)


    16.have a good xinqing(天天都有好心情~)

    17.XXX is very,very,very good.(同学,你一定非常,非常,非常崇拜这个人)

    18.good body is 1,money is 0(……您真安贫乐道!)

    19.I am a high school.(估计考四级的时候他就该写他是大学了)

    20.My teacher is beautiful.My school is beautiful.Our class is beautiful.(他谁也不得罪啊)

    21.TB is important to our life.(想写的是PE体育,TB有肺结核的意思)

    22.We can not buy good body.(谁卖你啊?)




    24.If you have no good health,you will become waste man however.(健康重要)

    25.I want to kiss a girl.(考场上还有心思想这个?!)

    26.You will find the attitude is 1+20+9+20+21+4+5=100.(想表达100%的态度。批卷的姐姐算了一下,加在一起果然是100,)

    27.Good good study,day day up is Chinglish.(这你都知道啊?知道你还写?!)

    28.Liu Xuan,a student in Qinghua University not only study well but also handsome.(是想写刘翔么?写成刘璇了?不然怎么用了handsome?还清华?还写错了?)

    29.Je suis Chinois. Je suis édudiante. Merci. (法语也上来了,完全没看懂……才子啊)


    One people,one dream.(*还异梦呢,各梦各的)

    One people,one world.(这句都靠谱一点)

    31.If you ask me do you like study,I will say "No,I don’t like study."I’m a boy.I like girl.(诚实的孩子不会被狼吃掉……)

    32.If we have a strange body,we can do everything,I think.(身体奇特就没人管得了你了啊?原本想写strong来着吧……)

    33.Let’s make love.(囧!估计同桌弟弟无语了……)

    34.We must take part in PH.(PE——两个字母的单词,错误却千变万化……PT,ET,PF……)

    35.Mother is the failure of success.(你能分清谁是谁的妈么?谁帮我把这辈分排一下……“成功的失败是他妈。”??)

    36.Buy more books, different styles, and we can have a scholarship in university. (谁告诉你买不同风格的书就能拿奖学金啊 你买各种版本的金瓶梅试试)

    37.Sorry I don’t tell you my name. My name is Li Hua. (有规定不让写真名……)

    38.We are super star.We are flowers of the country. (你们就是凌晨两三点多钟的太阳啊)

    39.We are young ,we are good, we are china ,we are country is good(你还想是啥?)

    40.So we should make love with each other!!(!!!身体要紧!)


    42.If pingjuan teache gei I gao fen , I hui baoda you, if teache bu gei I gaofen, I zhou you die.(都有给你-200的心思)

    43.You know ompic? Let me tell you something the bed islok work on bi jing……(这是哪国话?)

    44.No pain, no gain. Nothing is impossible, great hope make great man.(仿拟的乱用啊 就是篡改)


    46.We should not only healthy but happy, healthy is not happy, happy is not healthy, only healthy can not happy, only happy can not healthy…….(绕口令?RAP?这学生一定是敲着桌子拍着大腿晃着脑袋写出来的)

    47.There is way, there is will. There is power, there is money.(有权则有钱 这你都知道 过节往领导家背两袋大米拎两桶豆油、拿信封装若干钱的福利连孩子都知道)

标签: 成人高考英语作文万能句子
